Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Science (CBSC) ● ●
Curriculum Vitae
Research Program
My research program addresses how stressful experiences can influence the development of psychosocial problems. In recent years, this work has focused on stressors that may surround the complicated phenomenon of cellphone use. I collaborate with Professor Wythe Whiting and a team of W&L students to examine how specific patterns of cellphone use, such as compulsive cellphone use and co-rumination via cellphone, are associated with sleep quality, burnout, and psychological functioning. We also investigate how exposure to cellphone-related stimuli affects cognitive performance.
The developmental psychopathology theoretical framework guides my work in two important ways. First, in addition to exploring risk factors for problems in the course of development, I examine factors that counteract such risk. Also, my work is based on assumption that individuals’ competencies and strengths are fundamental in understanding and intervening on compromises in health and mental health.
Recent Publications
Whiting, W.L., & Murdock, K.K. (2021). Notification Alert! Effects of auditory text alerts on attention and heart rate variability across three developmental periods. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 1900-1913.
Balsamo, M., Carlucci, L., D’Ambrosio, I., Murdock, K.K. (2020). Psychological wellbeing during the lockdown in Italy: a multicenter study project in the age of COVID-19. Psioterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, 26, 341-446
Adams, S.K., Murdock, K.K., Daly-Cano, M., & Rose, M. (2020). Sleep in the social world of college students: Bridging interpersonal stress and fear of missing out with mental health. Behavioral Sciences, 10, 1 – 10.
Murdock, K.K., Carlucci, L., & Balsamo, M. (2019). A cross-cultural investigation of co-rumination via cellphone among emerging adults. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38, 671-703.
Murdock, K.K., Adams, S., Crichlow-Ball, C., Horissian, M., & Roberts, M. (2019). Nighttime notifications and compulsivity illuminate the link between emerging adults’ cellphone use and sleep-related problems. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8, 12-21.
Murdock, K.K., Horissian, M., & Crichlow-Ball, C. (2017). Emerging adults’ text message use and sleep characteristics: A multi-method, naturalistic study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 15, 228-241.
Whiting, W. & Murdock, K.K. (2016). Emerging adults’ sleep patterns and attentional capture: The pivotal role of consistency. Cognitive Processing, 17, 155 – 162.
Balsamo, M., Carluci, L., Sergi, M., Murdock, K.K., & Saggino, A. (2015). The mediating role of early maladaptive schemas in the relation between co-rumination and depression in young adults. PLOS ONE 10(10): e0140177.
Murdock, K.K., Gorman, S., & Robbins, M. (2015). Co-rumination via cellphone moderates the association of perceived interpersonal stress and psychosocial well-being in emerging adults. Journal of Adolescence, 38, 27-37.
Murdock, K.K. (2013). Texting while stressed: Implications for students’ burnout, sleep, and well-being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2, 207-221.
Current Courses:
Click on course name to see its syllabus
Introduction to Clinical Psychology (CBSC 210)
Developmental Psychopathology (CBSC 265)
Applications of CBSC (CBSC 299)
The Pursuit of Happiness (CBSC 300; 4-week Spring Term course)
Check out the CBSC 300 Eagles Nest Mural Project mini-documentary
Applied Science / Community-Based Research Capstone in CBSC (CBSC 413)